MAY 20

Question and Answer

During the Caliphate of Ali ibn Abi Talib, one group of Muslims revolted against him, causing great havoc. Consequently, two battles ensued in which about forty thousand Muslims were killed, later even Caliph Ali was martyred. During this uprising one of the rebel group came to see Caliph Ali and put a critical question to him. He asked how it was that there was such great disarray and dissension among Muslims during his Caliphate, whereas the respective Caliphates of Abu Bakr and Umar had not been marred by such devastating differences among Muslims. Caliph Ali replied: It is because Abu Bakr and Umar ruled over people like me, while I am ruling over people like you. (Muqaddama ibn Khaldun, p. 211)

One important reality emerges clearly from this question and answer that relates to the most important condition for the establishment of a true Islamic government. That is, the existence of favourable conditions in society. In the words of Caliph Ali, it would be appropriate to say that the condition for the establishment of a healthy political system is that, on the one hand, we should have individuals like Abu Bakr and Umar in the office of the head of state, while, on the other, society should be composed of people like the Companions of the Prophet. Or, to put it more pointedly, the Caliphate should be in the hands of people like Umar, and society should consist of people like Ali.

This incident shows how the first phase of Islam was marked by an atmosphere where a common man could put critical questions directly to the Caliph and the latter could answer them without losing his mental equilibrium. This also shows that when there is an open atmosphere in society, the confusion of minds is cleared, and the solution to great doubts can be offered by the concerned personalities themselves.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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