Predictable Character

Who is the best individual? To Islam the best individual is one who is predictable in character, about whom one can be sure in advance that, whenever one has any dealings with him, he will prove a true, dependable human being.

As recorded in traditions, once when the Prophet of Islam was standing along with some companions, he addressed them thus: “Should I not tell you of the good and bad people among you?” On hearing this, they remained silent. Then the Prophet repeated this question three times. One of them ultimately said, “Why not, O Prophet of God, you should tell us about the good and bad people among us.” The Prophet said: “The good among you is one from whom only good is expected and from whose evil people are safe” (At-Tirmizi).

According to this hadith, the best person is one who, in his encounters with others, always has good things to say to them. He is beneficent to all, giving them gifts to bring them happiness. People may always expect justice from him, for, fundamentally, he is a man of principle and character.

This predictable character remains with him, even when he is hurt or oppressed by others. Even in such unfavourable circumstances, his truth-loving character never deserts him. He is able to answer provocative statements patiently and calmly. It may be taken for granted that even though he experiences bad behaviour from others, he will, in accordance with his principles, remain on the path of good behaviour. His character will always come up to the highest standard of human hopes and expectations.


Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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