The Positive Way

We have been advised in the Quran that goodness and evil are not equal. Therefore we should return good for evil (41:34). This has been expressed repeatedly in the Quran in different wordings.

This means that believers should always react positively. At all events they should refrain from negative reaction. Their behaviour should be proper, not only in normal circumstances, but also in abnormal circumstances. That is, even when any group displays bad behaviour, it is still incumbent on the believers not to display a retaliatory mentality. At that moment, too, they should prove to be men of principle. They should maintain their good behaviour, even in the face of bad behaviour from others.

Interpreting this verse, Abdullah ibn Abbas comments: ‘God has commanded Muslims in this verse, even when they are angered, to resort to patience and tolerance. Whenever anyone shows any signs of ignorance or a biased mentality, believers should adopt the path of tolerance and fortitude. And whenever anyone displays bad behavior, believers should forgive him.’

This Islamic course of action may be described as positive behaviour. That is, opting for moderation instead of retaliation. Whatever the attitude of others may be, believers should always remain true to the highest Islamic standards of human character.

A believer is one who begins to lead his life in accordance with the higher realities; the level of whose thinking is above that of ordinary human beings. Such a person comes to have a limitless capacity for tolerance. His inner-self is so deeply immersed that in peace, no outward event can disturb his emotional balance. He takes pity on those who are easily angered. Where ordinary people become provoked, he remains blissfully serene.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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