Profitability and Beneficence

The Quran tells us that this world has been made by God in such a way that here only “that which is of use to mankind remains on the earth. (13:17)

Everything on earth is made on this principle. A thing remains in this world only so long as it possesses the character of profitability. When it loses this character, it loses the right to survive as well. At this stage, the system of nature casts it away, holding it as unwanted.

This same system of nature has been approved of by God for man as well (3:83). The desired man of God is one who leads his life in this world as an exercise profitable to himself and beneficial to others. He is one who fills himself to become a giver person in the real sense of the word; from whom others receive things required for their existence and survival on earth. It is such a person who can rightly be called a human being. It is such a person who deserves to achieve success and progress in this world of God.

According to a hadith, the Prophet of Islam observed: Among you whoever may benefit his brethren ought to benefit them. (Sahih Muslim)

Great resources are not necessarily required for beneficence, which can take many forms and be practiced by anyone. For example, giving a piece of good advice; lending a helping hand to another; showing the right path to someone who has gone astray; if possible, giving monetary assistance; removing obstacles in the way—all of these acts come under the heading of beneficence. And supposing one is not able to help one’s brother in any of these ways, one may pray for him. This would also count as an act designed to profit another.


Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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