The Wise Men

But let those rejoice who keep off from idol-worship and turn to God in repentance. Give good news to My servants, who listen to My Word and follow what is best in it. These are they whom God has guided. These are they who are endowed with understanding. (39:17-18)

The above verse advises us to put the best interpretation upon any saying which is meant for our guidance, and not always to be on the lookout for errors or loopholes. All such sayings, whether spoken or written—even those revealed by God—have to be expressed in words. Now human language has certain limitations. It is not always as unambiguous as we would like it to be. That inevitably leaves room for misinterpretation, particularly if one does not give one’s full attention to what is being said. It is only the man who really fears God who gives his full concentration to such sayings and who therefore construes them in their best sense. This serious, cautious approach is a direct result of reverence for the Almighty.

Those who give only half their attention to such sayings and then try to discover bad connotations in them are surely the followers of Satan; they will be punished by God in the Hereafter. On the contrary, those who pay full attention when good advice is addressed to them, and who put the best construction on it, are genuine seekers after truth. Such people will be amply rewarded by God.

One who places the worst interpretation on another’s words is severely limited in understanding. One who places the best interpretation on another’s words is blessed with a fine understanding, and, in the Hereafter, will inhabit the gardens of Paradise.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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