MAY 12


O believers, when the call to Friday prayer is announced, hasten to the remembrance of God and cease your trading. That would be best for you, if you but knew it. Then, when the prayers are ended, disperse and go your ways in quest of God’s bounty. And remember God frequently, so that you may prosper. And whenever they see some business or some sport, they flock eagerly towards it and leave you standing all alone. Say: ‘Whatever God has in store is far better than any sport or business. God is the best provider’ (62:9-11).

These are the verses from the Surah al-Jumu‘ah (Friday, or the Day of Congregation), chapter 62 of the Quran. This tells us in brief how to maintain a balance between the twin demand of din and our economic liabilities.

Economic activity is a natural requirement of human existence. That is why Islam gives full freedom in this matter. However, it is essential that economic activities be subordinated to religious duties. Therefore, although everyone is free to engage himself in economic activities, he must fulfill certain conditions.

1. Earnings from economic activities should be considered a blessing of God.

2. God should be constantly remembered during one’s economic activities.

3. Economic activities should not be allowed to cross the limits imposed by God.

The way to strike a balance between economic activities and Islamic demands is for people to always remain prepared, so that whenever they receive a call of religion, they will give preference to the Islamic demand over the economic demand. After having fulfilled their Islamic duties, they will then have every right to return once again to economic activities.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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