God’s Guarantee

Whenever any prophet has endeavoured to propagate God’s religion, he has had to suffer attempts by his own people to harm him. This happened even to the Prophet of Islam. When he invited his people to believe in the one God, they turned on him and became his enemies. In Makkah he suffered at their hands along with his companions, and, even in Madinah, stiff opposition continued. However, God gave him His reassurance in the following verse of the Quran: “Apostle, proclaim what is revealed to you by your Lord, if you do not, you will not have conveyed His message. God will protect you from all men. He does not guide the unbelievers.” (5:67)

Calling people to Islam is a divine mission, and is carried out to fulfill the divine scheme. (4:165) It is, therefore, natural that God should assist in this endeavour. It is such a difficult task that not receiving divine help would be more surprising than receiving it.

The responsibility for carrying on the work of dawah after the Prophet, rests with the Muslims. It is as his followers that they shall have to carry on what he accomplished in his lifetime (22:78). With this extension of responsibility, it is only proper that there should be an extension of their rights also. God has, therefore, said in the Quran that all those who follow the Prophet in this regard will be protected by Him from their enemies.

O Prophet, God is sufficient for you and the faithful who follow you” (8:64). Two interpretations have been placed on this verse. The second is that God is sufficient for you and for those who have obeyed you (Al-Tafsir Al-Mazhari, 4:110). Such support for the faithful has been variously described in different parts of the Quran.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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