Missing Zeal

The Holy Prophet commenced his mission in Makkah with the determination to convey the word of God to mankind at all costs. But there were many in Makkah who became antagonistic to him and his cause, and in the first twelve years of his Prophethood there, it appeared that the history of Islam would end at its starting-point in Makkah. Then, quite unlooked for opportunities were created for the Prophet and his followers to emigrate to Madinah and to carry on their mission there.

This new direction which his missionary activities took was the direct result of the efforts made by the Muslims to preach the word of God in Madinah. In this, the Prophet, aided by his companions, was zealous in following the injunction: “Apostle, proclaim what is revealed to you from your Lord” and in heeding the admonition: “...if you do not, you will surely fail to convey his message.” It was their earnest belief in the last part of this injunction: “God will protect you from all men,” which gave them the courage to carry on (5:67). This message to the Prophet, recorded in the Quran, was spread to the whole Muslim community, that is, that Muslims can only earn God’s protection on earth if they communicate the word of God.

It is related in biographies of the Prophet, that the Muslims who went from Makkah to Madinah were so unflagging in their efforts to propagate Islam, that “there was not a house belonging to the Ansar (the inhabitants of Madinah) in which there were no Muslim men and women.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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