A Period of Twenty-Five Years

Albert Sabin, an American scientist was born in 1906 in Poland. His parents migrated to America when he was only fifteen years old and it was here that he died on March, 93. After a long and hard struggle spanning over a period of twenty five years he succeeded in inventing a polio vaccine which could be used orally. Whereas hithertofore it was generally given by means of injections. It is estimated that about 500 million people have so far benefitted from this invention.

Yet Albert Sabin, a truly deserving candidate, was denied of the Nobel Prize. Still he did not fret himself to death. Instead he said: I only ask for a place of work.

During the course of his research he had to suffer from great frustrations, but without being affected from his failures he continued to engage himself devotedly to his research work, ultimately his research reached to its successful conclusion. He used to say: “No matter how good you are, you can not be a scientist unless you learn to live with frustrations.”

This is also a general principle of success in this world. Here any great success awaits only that courageous person who can devote himself to his work unceasingly for a period of twenty five years; who can continue his onward journey through frustrations; who can rise again after every fall; who can always remain active for the attainment of its goal whether or not he receives recognition and applause.

Those who complain of non-recognition and applause at unfavourable circumstances; whose eyes are set on problems rather than on opportunities can never attain their goal in life.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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