The No-problem Person

A believer is a no-problem person. In all situations and circumstances he stands out as Mr No Problem. His sensitivity towards others is so heightened that he does not like creating any problems whatsoever. The companions of the Prophet were very sensitive in this way—so much so that if a horse-rider’s whip fell to the ground, he would not ask a passerby to pick the whip for him. Instead, he would dismount and pick the whip himself (Abu Dawud, 2/124).

We learn from Islamic traditions that the best Muslim is one from whose evils people are safe. From one of these traditions we have the saying: A believer is one who fears God and keeps people safe from his evil (Al-Bukhari).

According to another tradition recorded in Al-Bukhari, the Prophet of Islam observed: “Sadaqa (voluntary alms) is incumbent upon every Muslim.” That is, every Muslim should be a giver. Asked what to do if one had nothing to give, he replied that one should earn and be a giver. When asked what the would-be giver should do if he were unable to earn, the Prophet replied: He should voice his good intentions towards others. Asked if he were unable to do even that, the Prophet replied that he should then refrain himself from causing harm to others, because this is also a gift. (Fathul Bari, 10/462).

According to another hadith, the Prophet observed: “A believer with perfect faith is one who struggles to spend his life and property in the cause of God. And the second in rank is one who is engaged in prayer in some corner and from whom people are safe (Sunan Abi Dawud, 3/5).

We have a large number of such traditions in books of hadith. These demonstrates a range of characters which can be taken as models for posterity. Of this selection, the individual—who ranks highest in character is one who benefits others. The honest, but still acceptable standard of character in Islam is that of the individual who, being entirely harmless, creates no problems for the rest of the society.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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