Superior Ethics

The morality that was taught to the Prophet by God and whole heartedly adopted by the Prophet in his life, is alluded to in the Quran in these words: ‘Surely you have a sublime character’ (68:4).

This means that the Prophet of Islam was of such a high moral character, that his behaviour was a model of perfection for his followers. Having a high moral character means having the capacity to rise above the negativity of peoples’ attitudes and behaviour. The way of the morally upright man is not that of treating badly those who treat him badly, and treating well those who treat him well. The perfect man treats everyone well irrespective of their treatment of and attitude towards him.

The Prophet of Islam kept unfailingly to this high standard of morality. In this way by becoming a model of this character in practice he demonstrated how a life of morality should be lived in the real sense. Evidence of such a character is a proof in itself that the person concerned is a man of principle. The personality of such an individual is not a product of circumstance but rather of his own high principles. Such a character is a truthful person who proves himself by adhering to the path of nature.

The traditions lay great emphasis on good behaviour. According to one hadith, the Prophet said, “I have been sent to perfect good moral character.” Similarly, he observed that the most perfect faith is of one whose moral character is best. The Prophet further observed that on the Day of Judgement good moral character will be the supreme factor in tipping the scales of divine justice in our favour.

A believer is a person who lives at the divine level. So whatever the circumstances, he continues to remain a man of high moral character. His thinking never descends to a lower plane; no situation can prove too much for the sublimity of his character.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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