Glad Tidings

Ibn Ishaaq, the Prophet’s biographer, writes that when the Prophet began to communicate the message of Islam to Makkans publicly, he had to face stiff opposition and hardship.

His wife, Khadijah bint Khuwaylid, converted to the new faith without a moment’s hesitation. Thus apart from being the partner of his life, she now became a partner in his suffering, for the Prophet’s adversaries found many ways of torturing them, not the least of which was to assemble before their house and create an uproar.

It was under these circumstances that one day the Angel Gabriel came to their house and asked the Messenger of God to convey to Khadijah greetings from her Lord. Then Gabriel told the Prophet that he had been ordained by God to give glad tidings to Khadijah about a house made of pearls (in heaven) where there was neither ‘din’ nor suffering.

These were glad tidings for Khadijah in particular and a lesson for the believers in general. It was news of success for the believers.

In this world the faithful have to suffer at the hands of the arrogant. They have to live under great provocation. In a situation like this the faithful are ill-advised to quarrel with them. They should ignore the provocation, and turn their attention towards the Hereafter. They should pray, ‘O Lord, grant us the patience to face the unpleasantness. Build us a house in Paradise where there is neither clamour nor suffering.’

When a believer calls upon worshippers of heroes and religious personalities to stop revering mere mortals and, instead, to give their love and worship to God and God alone—for only He is deserving of such love and worship—they become enraged with him and oppose him with all their might. When he calls upon his fellow-men to act purely to please God, they become antagonized and start harassing him. Yet, in the face of such hostility, he remains patient, for he has God’s promise of a heavenly abode in the Hereafter, which will be completely free from tumult and affliction. It will be a place where he can live in spiritual bliss for ever after.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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