The Blessings of Paradise

Ukaydar ibn Abdul Malik Al-Kindi (d. 12 AH) was a Christian ruler of Daumat-ul Jandal. During Tabuk campaign, when the Prophet was camping near his State, this ruler visited him and embraced Islam. However, after the death of the Prophet he recanted. Later he was killed in a battle led by Khalid ibn Walid during the reign of the first Caliph, Abu Bakr.

It is recorded in history books that when Ukaydar came to see the Prophet, he was dressed in royal apparel. Anas ibn Malik, a companion of the Prophet, says: “I saw Ukaydar’s long gown when he came to the Prophet. Muslims began to touch his qaba in wonder.” Then the Prophet said: “Are you wonderstruck at his apparel? By God, there is no doubt about it that even the handkerchiefs of Saad Ibn Muadh will be of better quality than these clothes.” (Al-Bidayah wa al-Nihayah, Vol. 17/5)

Just as the Prophethood of the Prophet of Islam is for all time, so are his words. These words of his do not refer just to that particular ruler belonging to the first century of Hijrah, but to all the worldly things whose apparent glitter makes people envy them.

The truth is that all the worldly things which appear very pleasing and attractive to people cannot compare with splendours of paradise, which will give them far greater pleasure and comfort. Only in paradise will man understand that what he had failed to find in the world he left behind, was of no significance. And that what he has found in paradise is far superior to all the mere things of this world.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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