The Call to God and Unity

The Muslims’ unity is their greatest strength. The best means of achieving this unity is the call towards God. The Quran says that God has chosen Muslims to promote the cause of true religion. Furthermore, the religion brought to them by the Prophet is to be conveyed by them to other communities. In this context the Quran commands them to hold fast to the rope of God and be united around the one God:

So that His messenger may be

A witness for you, and you

Be witness for mankind.

So, attend to your prayers,

Give zakat

And hold fast to Allah;

He is your Protector—

The Best to protect

And the Best to help! (22:78)

The emphasis on unity, while entrusting Muslims with the task of inviting other peoples to the religion of God, indicates the close link between the call to God and unity. In fact, this call or invitation leads to harmony and unity, which in turn enables Muslims to effectively perform their task.

The traditions of the Prophet also testify to the interdependence of the call to God and unity. Miswar Bin Makhrama narrates that once the Prophet came to his companions and said to them, ‘God has sent me as a blessing. Convey it to people on my behalf, and do not enter into dispute with each other as did the disciples of Jesus with him.’

The companions of the Prophet responded to this by saying: ‘O Prophet of God, we shall not differ from you on any matter. Give us your commands and send us on our assigned missions.’

By virtue of their knowledge of true religion, the companions of the Prophet fully understood the responsibilities and implications of calling people to God. They were also aware of the character that they ought to possess for discharging such a responsibility.

History tells us that a mutual bond of brotherhood and unity existed among Muslims as long as they engaged themselves in the task of inviting people to the truth. But the moment they deviated from this path, they fell a prey to unending dispute and dissension. Subsequently, they were withdrawn from their designated duty of inviting people to God because of having lost their unity—the greatest strength of a community or group in this world.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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