The Living Discovery of God

A Western commentator writes—“Every day when in the early morning the first ray of sunlight peeps into your room jump out of bed and say: ‘Wonderful! What a bright new sun!’”

The realization of God Who is the Creator of sun, is without doubt, countless times greater than that of the sun. One who has discovered God, will discover God’s splendour every morning and evening, his realization of God will become an endless journey of divine light.

Maarifah is not something inert like a piece of stone, maarifah is a growing thing like a plant. A tiny seed grows and grows until it develops into a tall green tree. The same is true of maarifah. The beginning of maarifah is from the acceptance of faith. Afterwards, through study and contemplation, this acceptance of belief keeps on growing until it becomes a full green tree of maarifah, rather it becomes a full orchard of maarifah. This development or growth of maarifah continues and does not end till one’s death.

Maarifah is another name of the discovery of the wonders of God. God’s wonders are countless, therefore the maarifah of God is also an unending journey. This journey continues eternally through new discoveries. Death is not an end to this journey. After death the believer’s journey of maarifah will continue with much greater speed. The truth is that the most pleasant experience of the people of Paradise would be to live in the garden of maarifah, to breath in the air of maarifah. This would indeed be the greatest and most pleasant gift of Paradise.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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