The Light of God-realization

A tube light in your office with no connection to the powerhouse will never shine. But the moment it is connected to the powerhouse, it lights up.

This material event is analogous to the spiritual reality which is called God-realization. If there is no contact between God and man, his existence will be devoid of God-realization. But when there is a connection between God and man, immediately, the heart and mind of a person is illuminated with the light of God-realization.

According to the Creation Plan of God, man’s position in this world is that of a taker, whereas, the position of God is that of the Giver. Man in every respect is a needy creature. He cannot fulfil any of his own wants: it is only God who fulfils his every requirement. This aspect of man’s personality makes him feel helpless all the time.

This feeling of want is an integral part of a man’s personality. Anyone who is consciously aware of this lacking will become a seeker, while one who is not aware of this shortcoming will always be suffering from a feeling of deprivation.

God-realization or maarifah is the answer to this want in a person, something he is born with. Nothing other than God-realization can ever fulfil this lacking in man. Just as a bulb does not light up without being connected to the power house, a man’s life without maarifah remains unlighted, and nothing else can bring him enlightenment.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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