The Discovery of One’s Helplessness

Man is totally a helpless creature: that is how he was created. But due to the exigencies of his being put to the test, his helplessness is, apparently, covered with a veil of power. What man has to do is to tear asunder this cover, even when ostensibly in possession of power. In that way he will discover his own helplessness. This discovery is without doubt the greatest discovery he can make. It is in this discovery that the secret of all blessings is hidden.

The discovery of helplessness is the greatest discovery for a human being. This greatest of discoveries affords man a unique opportunity for remembrance of God, or prayer to God. Moreover, this discovery gives a person the occasion to say to God, “O God! You have created me in a state of utter helplessness. On the one hand, is your Omnipotence and, on the other hand, is man’s total helplessness. This being so, You cannot remain indifferent to man’s predicament. It would not befit Your Majesty and Your divine Glory to have a relationship between You and man of total human helplessness and indifference on Your part. Between God and man there must be such a bond as exists between a deprived one and the Giver. Such a relationship befits the Glory and Majesty of God.”

This is the prayer which has been described in a tradition as a prayer taking the great name of God. When a servant of God says with sincerity: “O God! You have created man in total helplessness, so now you cannot remain indifferent to man’s situation,” God’s mercy comes faster than the speed of light.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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