Helplessness and Power

In chapter 35 of the Quran there is a verse which says: “O men! It is you who stand in need of God—God is self-sufficient, and praiseworthy.” (35:15) The same thing is mentioned in a hadith: “O my servants! All of you have strayed, except for those whom I will show the way. You ask Me for guidance, I will guide you. O my servants, you are all hungry, except those whom I feed. You ask me for food, I will give you food.” (Sahih Muslim, Hadith No. 2577)

God certainly gave a human being a perfect existence, but he does not have any personal choice. Human beings are completely helpless creatures. This helplessness is compensated for by God in this world. This helplessness is compensated for only according to need. This has been mentioned thus in the Quran: “He has given you all that you asked of Him.” (14:34) In Paradise in the Hereafter, this helplessness will be compensated for according to one’s desire: “Therein you shall have all that your souls desire.”(41:31)

The discovery of this truth is the greatest realization, discovering one’s total helplessness in comparison to the Omnipotence of God Almighty is the beginning of realization of truth. The door of realization does not open to any person without this discovery. Paradise is for the realized soul, not for the unrealized soul.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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