Discovery! Discovery! Discovery!

There is a maxim in Japan that you should discover new things everyday even if it be a method of putting thread in the needle. This saying is about material discoveries.

          But this same principle applies equally in the case of realization and spirituality, although on a more elevated level. Spirituality is not something stagnant. It is a continuously growing entity like trees.

The fact is that the human mind is unlimited in its potential. The universe of facts external to the human mind are also boundless.

This being so, one who keeps his mind in a state of continual awareness and reflects deeply upon things with full concentration at every moment, will continue to discover new realities everyday. For him the treasure trove of the discoveries will never come to an end.

Just as material food is sustenance for the body, similarly spiritual discoveries are food for realization. A constant supply of material food is a surety for the body’s survival. Similarly, spiritual discoveries give life to God-realization and spirituality, and are a guarantee of human development.

 Such discovery is an intellectual process. To continue this process uninterruptedly, two conditions are a must—reflection and saving oneself from distractions.

When these two conditions are met, the human being will definitely become a man of discovery. In consequence, nothing will stop him from making new discoveries.

Discovery is the spirit of life. Discovery is the source of intellectual development. Discovery makes a person complete. Without discovery a human being is just like a body without a spirit.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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