God and Man

There was a dispute about a property between Mr. A and Mr. B. Mr. A said that a certain property belonged to him but that Mr. B had taken possession of it illegally. There were lengthy verbal interchanges between the two, but Mr. B was not ready to admit his mistake. Finally, Mr. A said to Mr. B that if he held God’s book in his hand and said that this property was his, he would accept his claim and he could keep the property in his possession. Mr. B replied: “How does God come into the picture?”

In the present age, this is the case with almost everyone. Everyone does as he pleases, and when he is told to fear God, he asks, “How does God come into the picture?” This is sometimes said in words, and sometimes implied by people’s action. This is true not just of the common men but also of the highly educated. For example, in present times, when advances have been made in the physical science and the laws of nature have been discovered, the modern educated class generally leave God out of their conception of the universe. They say, when all the events are happening according to the laws of nature, then why it is necessary to bring in God to explain the universe.

God is the Creator and Lord of this world. But it is strange that right throughout history, man has not given the importance to God which was His due. A person’s very existence is a bounty conferred by God in the complete sense. Whatever he has in the form of wealth and children have all been bestowed upon him by God. Innumerable things like light, oxygen, food and water never cease to be available for man. The only one to give these things is God. But this greatest reality has been the least recognized in the whole of history. Man had only one thing to give to God and that was to acknowledge Him. But he has failed to do so.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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