The Form of Tazkiya

There is no visible form of tazkiya. Had there been a fixed form of tazkiya, a person would think, consciously or unconsciously that, by observing that form, he had completed the course of tazkiya. In this way, he would become content. But the feeling of contentment in this matter is very harmful. It is essential for the attainment of tazkiya that one should always have a certain feeling of inadequacy. Such a feeling makes one continuously strive to undergo the process of tazkiya, whereas any feeling of contentment blocks the incentive to make unremitting efforts.

Tazkiya and the Islamic way of worship are closely interrelated. Neither can be separated from the other. No one can say that he has completed the process of tazkiya and is therefore no longer required to perform the acts of worship ordained in Islam.

But this does not mean that the performance of the form of worship in itself is sufficient to serve the purpose of tazkiya. The correct position is that worship is an external manifestation of the spirit of tazkiya. If the spirit of tazkiya is produced within one, in the real sense, then inevitably one will become God’s worshipper.

Worship cannot be separated from tazkiya. But full emphasis should be laid upon producing the spirit of tazkiya, rather than upon the external form of worship. It would be true to say that, without worship, the claim to have attained tazkiya is false. But it is also a fact that the outward form of worship cannot automatically produce the spirit of tazkiya.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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