God and Paradise

Man is unique in having two faculties bestowed upon him—one, the faculty of thinking and the other, the faculty of enjoyment. If man utilizes both these faculties in a proper way, he will, on the one hand, discover the existence of God and, on the other, the existence of Paradise.

          The phenomenon of thinking is an exceptional human attribute. The well-known French philosopher Rene Descartes observed:

“I think, therefore, I am.”

Similarly, we can say that the existence of the small thinker is a proof of the existence of the Big thinker.

The same is true of the sense of pleasure. On reflection, man should realize that his is a unique existence in the universe, exceptionally gifted as he is with the sense of pleasure.

The discovery of this reality is in itself a discovery of a greater reality. If a sense of pleasure exists in this world, then certainly the resources for its fulfilment must also be present because, in this world, there is a pair for the completion or fulfillment of everything. According to this general law of nature, there should certainly be present a pair for the sense of pleasure as well, that is, fulfilment too should be possible in this world. This phenomenon is convincing evidence of the existence of Paradise.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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