Remembrance of God

The Quran states: “Remembrance of God is surely the greatest thing.” (29:45) In other words, it means that, for a person, remembrance of God is the greatest form of worship.

This remembrance of God is what is most desired of a human being. Therefore, the Quran adjures us to remember God very frequently (33:41).

What is meant by remembrance of God? It does not mean any numerical or statistical exercise but rather it is one’s mental condition. According to a tradition, Ayesha, the Prophet’s wife, said: “The Prophet Muhammad used to remember God on every occasion.” (Sahih Muslim, Hadith No. 373) One can understand the meaning of remembrance of God from this tradition.

Abundantly remembering God means that whatever a person sees or whatever he experiences, he should make it a point of reference for the remembrance of God.

Everything should remind him of God. Every experience should become a reason for strengthening his faith. Every study and observation should bring him nearer to God.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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