Save Yourself from Distraction

One principle of success in this world is to abandon one thing in favour of another.

It is human psychology that one cannot focus on two things at a time. If a person focuses on one thing, his mind will be diverted from another. This same principle applies to tazkiya. Also, one who wants to engage in self-purification will necessarily have to totally abandon all things irrelevant to tazkiya.

          The greatest obstacle in the path of tazkiya is distraction. It is essential for the seeker of tazkiya to make tazkiya his supreme goal; to keep himself totally away from all things related to distraction. Concentration is essential for tazkiya, one who does not have the capacity to concentrate will certainly fall far short of the attainment of tazkiya.

          Everything has its price and tazkiya too has its price. That price is keeping oneself away from all kinds of distraction, for instance, family entertainment programmes, friendship culture, the love of food, clothes, the craving for fame and wealth and other temptations in life.

All such things for a seeker of tazkiya amount to distraction. Anyone who wants to purify himself must distance himself totally from all such things.

Tazkiya gives one a noble character and enables one to be deserving of angels’ company. Tazkiya brings one closer to God. Without this a person is like dry wood; whereas with tazkiya, one becomes a green tree. Tazkiya is not something mysterious: it can be equated with an awakening of the consciousness of faith.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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