How to Find Spiritual Food

One professor gave me the good news that the tenure of his service period had expired so he was going to retire, but since the university had given him two year extension, his service would continue for two more years.

When I heard the news of his extension, it became for me a point of reference for saying a prayer. I said, “O God, You have created me and unilaterally have given me all the things I needed for life support. Death will put an end to all these blessings but, if You desire, You can grant me a further extension. Man may grant only a limited period of extension, but You are the Lord of the World. If you so desire, You can grant an unlimited period of extension. You may cause this extension to last for all eternity.”

A person leads his life in the midst of all sorts of happenings and experiences. If he ponders upon things and keeps his mind awakened, every event and every experience will become a source of spiritual food for him. He will find some point of reference in every event, in every experience by referring to which he may engage in remembrance of God and may utter such words of heartfelt prayer as may be acceptable to God.

Just as the study of books is a source of spiritual food for a person, similarly incidents and experiences also provide sources of spiritual food. One who develops the ability to derive lessons from them, will find that his life’s journey will become a source of such spiritual development as lasts right till his death.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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