Point of Reference for Prayer

In chapter 4 of the Quran, there is a verse about the law of inheritance which is as follows: “If other relatives, orphans or needy people are present at the time of the division, then provide for them out of it, and speak kindly to them.” (4:8)

It means that, at the time of the division of a legacy, if certain family members are present who do not have a share, provide for them out of it. Do not send them away empty-handed. Apparently this is a verse about inheritance, but there is an important point of reference in it for prayer. When a believer reads this verse, he will be so moved that, he will say: “O God! This is my case in relation to Paradise. I have not done such deeds as make me worthy of Paradise. But in this verse of the Quran You have set forth the principle that if some people come at the time of division and are not entitled to get a share in accordance with the law, even then, out of compassion some things should be given to them out of the goods of inheritance.”

In this verse of the Quran there is great solace for a believer. A person can say in connection with this verse: “O God! I am an entirely undeserving person. But this Quranic verse tells us that Your mercy is so vast that it also reaches out to the unworthy. O God! Your mercy is a ray of hope for me. Referring to Your own principle, I would ask that despite of my being undeserving, You let me share in Your mercy. You can give a place in Paradise even to an undeserving candidate such as me, although Paradise has been created just for deserving candidates. I admit that, according to the Shariah law, I do not deserve Paradise, but according to the law of Mercy, please grant me a place in Your Paradise.”

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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