Prayer with Tears

Chapter 9 of the Quran mentions some believers who, on the occasion of the Tabuk campaign (8 AH), because it was a general call, wanted to serve in this campaign. But they had not enough money to prepare for this long journey. So they came to the Prophet for help, but the Prophet excused himself. This incident has been described in the Quran in this verse: “Nor [does any blame] attach to those who came to you to be provided with mounts, and when you said, ‘I can find no mounts for you,’ they went back, and tears welled up in their eyes with sadness, since they could not find any way to contribute.” (9:92)

These Muslims could not take part in the Tabuk campaign, but according to one of the traditions of the Prophet, they were credited with having participated in this campaign. While coming back from this campaign, the Prophet said about them to his Companions: “There are some people in Madinah who were with you, whatever path you traversed, whenever you spent some of your money, or whatever valley you crossed, they were with you.” (Sunan Abu Dawud, Hadith No. 2508)

This was a great reward which the believers of Madinah received, that is, being rewarded for participation in the action without their having participated in it. When I think about it, I feel that they received this unique reward because of their dua with ism-e-azam.

I feel as if they must have prayed in these words with tears welling up in their eyes in solitude: “O God, the reward that You have given to others because of Your attribute of being just, give us that reward because of Your being merciful. The reward that You have given to others because of their deeds, give us that reward as a result of our prayers. What You have given to others because of deservation, give us that because of our asking for it. What You have given to others because of their ability, give us that because of our helplessness. What You have given to others because they are strong believers, grant us that because of our being weak in physical strength, because Your messenger has told us that ‘even the weak believer has goodness in him.’”

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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