When God Appears

When one truly discovers God, one realizes that He cannot have created man and the rest of the world in vain. God has created the universe: He sustains it in its functioning. How can an almighty and all-knowing God such as He let the whole cosmic machine grind on pointlessly without its meaning ever being revealed?

Faith does more than this for a person. It instills in one the firm conviction that God will Himself eventually appear before man. In this world He remains hidden, though His presence is felt as He guides and sustains the universe. Faith tells one that the manifestation of the Lord will be an event of the greatest relevance. God is both mighty and just; He is aware of all things; His appearance will bring justice to the world. When God comes before mankind, those who refused to serve Him on earth will be brought low before Him. They will appear more despicable than insects. On the other hand, those faithful servants of God, who devoted themselves entirely to Him, will be honoured in heaven.

God’s invisibility in the world seemingly gives unbelievers the license to run amok. But when God appears before mankind, only the faithful will be honoured. They will inherit a new, complete and everlasting world in which they will enjoy the eternal delights of paradise, while those who defied God in the world will be thrown into the fire of Hell.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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