Before Time Runs Out

Man is on trial in this world. Here, everyone is being tested: if one acts rightly, one will succeed in the trial of life. Neglect of the task that lies before one is tantamount to failure. Those who do not strive to succeed in the trial of life are doomed to failure, whether they like it or not.

Man can be likened to an ice-vendor in this respect, one whose ice is continually melting and who has to sell his merchandise before it all dissolves. If he delays in selling the ice, then he will have nothing left to sell; his capital and his profits will have vanished into thin air.

This same principle applies to the life of man. Man is rapidly moving towards a sorry end. There is only one thing he can do to avoid disaster, and that is to put the time he has been allotted on earth to the best possible use.

A successful ice-vendor is one who sells his ice before it has all dissolved. Similarly a successful person is one who puts his life to good use before it ends, and prepares for the life to come before it is upon him.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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