Angelic or Satanic

God’s faithful servants act on angelic promptings, while the rebellious take their cue from the devil. The source of people’s guidance is clear from their actions and speech.

Those who live in the company of angels are humble in times of disagreement and quick to bow to the truth. They show by their actions that they have been guided on to the path of the angels, for angels are never proud; they show no hesitation in bowing to the truth.

The devil’s way is very different. Those who follow it are cruel and vindictive in times of disagreement. They are haughty in their dealings with others. They are following in the devil’s footsteps. Arrogance and self-assertiveness are attributes of the devil: the Quran has made this clear.

Ignorance of death and of the resurrection of man gives people the courage to indulge in injustice and contumacy in this world. If people knew what was coming to them they would stop dead, in fear; their tongues would freeze into silence. They would not try to justify their mistakes; they would immediately admit that they were wrong.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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