The Trumpet of the Last Day

Those who truly discover God become completely changed people. Outwardly they appear like anyone else, but inwardly they are quite different. They live on a different level from others.

Such people live in the world, but are in the aura of eternity. Everything in this world seems to them to mirror eternity. They catch a glimpse of the splendours of Paradise in the lustre of this ephemeral world, but are reminded of the torment of Hell when their experiences are bitter. Within the framework of this world, they see a picture of eternity. Life conveys to them the message of death.

The true believer is one who sees the world of eternity within the present world. He lives as if the realities of the next, unseen world were present before him. Unbelievers will also see the next world, but this will only be when all veils have been torn asunder by the shrill noise of the trumpet announcing the resurrection of man. Then, all unseen realities will be visible to man. But man’s vision will not profit him on that day, for it will be the time for retribution, not the time to give evidence of one’s faith in God.

The angel who is to announce the Last Day is ready and waiting with the trumpet in his hand for God to give the order to sound it. This will be a most terrifying time for man. He will want to speak, but will be struck dumb. He will want to walk, but his legs will not carry him.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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