Seeing into the Future

In order to put man to the test in this world, God has given him some power. Everybody has been granted a certain domain in which he is able to act at will. Some have more scope to act than others, but everyone acts, within his own domain, as others act in theirs. It makes no difference whether the power one wields is minimal or great. Everyone misuses it in much the same way. Different as people may seem, in reality they are all the same.

People, seeking to prove themselves, are always trying to further their own interests at the expense of others. They overestimate their power and consider that they can usurp others in order to establish themselves. They do not realize that it is not anyone’s vacant seat that awaits them: it is their own graves. Those who seek to destroy others are bound to be destroyed themselves. Those who would like to see others dead and buried are soon to suffer that very fate themselves.

Those who consider themselves successful today will have to face failure in the future. We are being reminded of this daily, but no one takes heed. Everyone is too engrossed in the present. No one cares to look beyond the present into the future.

Those who are caught up in the present should begin to look into the future, for the present will soon pass, it is in the future that the day of reckoning lies. We shall then have to face the consequences of that day for all time to come.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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