The Greatest Earthquake

Earthquakes are a sign of God. When an earthquake strikes, it demolishes all the props which man relies on. It causes mighty stone fortresses to come tumbling down, just as it reduces flimsy wooden huts to matchsticks. It does not distinguish between the strong and the weak. It strikes the mighty in the same way as it strikes the helpless.

Earthquakes give us prior warning of what is eventually going to happen to all of us in this world. They remind us in this world of the doomsday which all mankind must face in the next world. When the trembling of the earth makes people lose their senses; when houses start falling as if they were made of playing cards; when the earth is turned upside down; then people will realize how utterly helpless they are before the might of God. All man can do at such a time is helplessly gaze on his own destruction.

The earthquake of the Last Day will be infinitely more severe than any worldly earthquake. All man’s supports will collapse. He will forget the skills that he displayed in the world. The grandeur that he enjoyed on earth will disappear. The only people who will have anything to rely on will be those who did not rely on worldly supports. The successful one on that day will be those who attached themselves to God, while others had taken refuge under other banners.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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