What Man should Realize

Man thinks he is free to do and say what he likes in this world. He accumulates wealth and thinks it will ensure his future security. He wields power fearlessly, certain that it will never be taken away from him. People are sure of themselves in this world. They have no idea of the fate that is in store for them. Eventually death will put paid to the false security they feel in this world. They will be transported in a helpless state with dreadful suddenness to the next world.

No one can escape this fate. When death comes, we will realize, with terror in our hearts, how wrong we had been about things in this world. What seems real to us in this world is, in fact, only a deception; the reality of things will only be revealed to us after death.

A person’s attitude will suddenly change when he perceives reality. “Lord,” he will cry, “I thought I was free in the world, but my freedom was only an illusion. I thought I was rich, but I have turned out to be destitute. I considered myself powerful, but now I have been exposed for the helpless creature that I was. I thought I had many friends in the world, but they have all deserted me; there is no one to help me now.”

This is what man should realize. But unfortunately man has forgotten that this is the reality that is going to affect him more than anything.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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