The Awe-Inspiring

Day of Retribution

What an awe-inspiring day it will be when God sits in judgement. No one will be able to be defiant or proud. Those who had been considered worthless and rejected in the world will be raised in value and accepted in God’s sight. Those who had been considered weakest among men will, by the grace of God, be given great importance: it will be according to their testimony that people will be sent either to heaven or to Hell.

Those who were loquacious in the world will be rejected by God. Those who were thought of as mighty and powerful in the world will be reduced to powerlessness. Those who feigned piety in the world will be exposed for the impious beings they really were. Their brightness will be dimmed and, for them, white will be turned into black.

People are hidden behind artificial appearances in this world. Some hide themselves behind seductive words; others conceal their true natures behind material grandeur and splendour. But they will be denied these things in the life to come. Everyone will appear in his true garb. One who realizes the awe-inspiring nature of that day will suddenly be reduced to silence; worldly honour will seem to him as meaningless as worldly disgrace.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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