Hushed Silence
Among the Crowd

When religion becomes part of a national tradition, a new phenomenon comes into existence: ceremonies performed in the name of religion increase, but true religion disappears entirely.

This is what is happening to the Muslims today. The number of people who pray is on the increase, but there are few who really fear God. There is no lack of people who will speak on behalf of Islam, but there are few who will remain silent for the sake of their religion. Everybody sees his own righteousness, but few see righteousness in others. There are plenty who are ready to display their piety in public, but few are really pious in private. Everyone wants to see Islam established in the whole world, but no one has time to establish it in the individual self. Everybody has huge reserves of fine words at his disposal, but few have any fine actions to offer. Everybody thinks he has the key to paradise, but few feel the need to tremble in fear of Hell. Everybody is enthusiastic about Islam when it is embellished with material grandeur, but no one is interested in the Islam, which shakes one’s soul and makes one live in awareness of the afterlife.

Never before in the midst of such a proliferation of religious activities has there been such spiritual bankruptcy.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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