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Man has no intrinsic power. No one can, by himself, give anything to, or take anything away from anyone. All events happen by the will of God. Man exists in this world to be tested, and the test of man concerns his intentions alone, for man can only wish for an event to take place; he cannot actually make things happen.

Everything that happens in this world seems to have a cause, but these ‘causes’ are no more than a veil over reality. Cause and effect are beyond the powers of man. These tasks are accomplished by God through His angels.

Man is being tested in this world by means of the situations with which God confronts him from day to day. God wishes to see how he reacts to these situations. Sometimes he is being tested as to whether he upholds the cause of truth, or forsakes the truth and follows a false path. Sometimes he is being tested as to whether he is just in his treatment of others or not. Sometimes he is being tested as to whether he is true to his word, or breaks promises after they are made.

All worldly events occur by the will of God. Man simply takes credit for what happens, whether good or bad.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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