After Death

All men will have to face death sooner or later. They will leave the world behind them never to return. Ahead of them will be the Hereafter. They will have no option but to enter this new world.

The Judgement Day is approaching fast. On that day every soul will appear as it really was. All the veils that conceal a person’s true nature in the world will disappear. Beautiful words will be of no avail in concealing that true nature.

In this world a selfish person can appear as a godly one. One who is hungry for fame can present himself before men as a standard-bearer of truth. One who places self-interest before all in his work can by clever talk deceive people into thinking that he is selflessly serving the cause of truth.

But death is the event in man’s life that exposes all such pretence as false. In the world after death all such veils will disappear. Man will appear as he really is for himself and for others as well.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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