The Deluge of Eternity

Death is all that divides us from the next world. No one knows when death will come; it might come at any time, breaking the barrier that divides us from eternity, and unleashing the grave realities of eternity upon us like a deluge. No amount of words of force will be of any use then. Man will stand helpless before his Lord. All those who were lost in the splendours of this world and were not prepared to listen to any admonition will be condemned to eternal doom. Only those who reckoned with themselves, before coming to the Lord to be reckoned with, will be saved.

There is no one more ignorant than those who choose to ignore the coming of this day; but their ignorance will not save them. There is no one weaker than those who depend entirely on worldly supports, for these will crumble and fall, leaving one with nothing to depend upon.

Many who seem to be building for themselves are in fact demolishing their own edifices. Many consider themselves  superior to others in this world, but will be proved inferior in the next. This will happen when the deluge of eternity engulfs the whole world. On that day, God, together with His angels, will appear. Everyone will be questioned as to what they have left behind them in the world, and what they have to take with them into the afterlife.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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