Warning People of the Hereafter

Muslims have a responsibility to God: to tell all nations of the world that the day shall come when God will judge them, meting out reward and punishment according to the merits and demerits of people’s actions. The Muslims’ present and future well-being rests entirely upon their fulfillment of this responsibility. Their value lies in the performance of this service of conveying the divine message. They are of no value in the sight of God if they do not rise to this task.

If Muslims neglect this responsibility, nothing that they do will be acceptable to God; even their apparently religious work will count for nothing. When they neglect this responsibility, God will leave them to their enemies; He will set other nations over them. Even the movements, which they call Islamic, but which are not aimed at the execution of this duty, will come to nothing. They will continue to indulge in wishful thinking, but they will not be able to deny the truth of the fact that God has deserted them.

If Muslims do not rise to the task of warning people of the next life, they lose their worth in the sight of God; they become disgraced and miserable both in this world and the next. One only has to look at the vicissitudes in the history of the Jewish people to understand this fact. Man’s worth is in relation to his performance of the duties that have been entrusted to him. If Muslims neglect their duty to God, then how will they be of any worth in His sight?

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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