Extraordinary Disillusionment

Man has directed all his efforts towards mundane objects. He is possessed by thoughts of food, clothes, shelter, fame, wealth and happiness. His attention is fixed on the attainment of these worldly goals. He expends all his energy in striving after them. If his efforts are successful, he is pleased. If not, he becomes so discontented that his life is ruined.

Death comes to show man that he is not destined to be happy in this world. Even if one obtains all these things in this world, one can only possess them for a very short time. When, after decades of unremitting struggle, man is at the peak of his powers, death comes and puts paid to his career.

This shows that this world is not meant for the fulfillment of one’s hopes and ambitions. The place for their fulfillment is the eternal world in which we are going to dwell after death. People, busy preparing for their worldly future, have neglected their eternal future. They overlook, in the next, more complete life, the very goal that they have set their eyes on this ephemeral world.

Thus man is busy losing exactly what he sets out to gain. What extraordinary disillusionment is in store for him.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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