The Trial of Man

When one considers one’s dealings with others in purely human terms, one is apt to resort to cruelty and injustice. If one were to be aware of the presence of God, one would be careful to avoid all injustice and cruelty.

All worldly events occur by God’s leave. Everything fits in with a divine scheme according to which man is tested by the Lord. Everything happens so that those concerned may be tested. A person’s calibre can only be made out from the way he responds to life’s situations.

In all worldly matters we are being tested as to whether we are just in our treatment of one another. We are being tested, in the various situations we have to deal with in life, as to whether we are consistent in the values we apply, or whether we have one set of values for ourselves and another set for others. In the decisions we have to take in life, we are being tested as to whether we follow a policy of convenience, or stick to what is right.

Our future fate is being decided on the basis of our present performance. We can either make use of our opportunities on earth to deserve a place for ourselves in paradise, or we can waste them and condemn ourselves to punishment in Hell.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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