Brought Before God

Death is not the end of our lives; it is the beginning of our real life. After death man will be brought before the Lord for final judgement.

Man has many concerns in this world, but after death he will be concerned with one thing alone: escaping from the wrath of God. If one has ample time at one’s disposal, one engages in many tasks. But if time is short then one concentrates on the most important task. At crucial moments, no one is foolhardy enough to engage in irrelevant pursuits.

No time is fixed for death. It can come at any moment. This fact makes death an even more delicate issue. First and foremost, we should communicate to others the dangers that death holds in store for us; we should inform people about tomorrow, before it is upon us.

This is the essence of the message of Islam. Islam calls man to faith in the Hereafter; it seeks to awake the living to the issues that will face the dead. The preacher of Islam stands between life and death. While still on earth, it is as if he has already experienced death and is thus able to inform his fellows of what lies beyond the grave.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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