A mother’s greatest concern should be to make her children succeed in life. But mothers are naturally attached to their children, and therefore, their hearts rule their heads. In matters regarding their children, they do not follow reason and try to fulfil all the demands of their children. By nature, every child is born pure. But as he grows up, he deviates from his true nature. It is a mother’s duty to play a constructive role in bringing up her children so that they do not deviate from the true nature they were born with.

Mothers, in their love for their children, try to fulfil all their demands, and this makes them think that all of their wishes should be fulfilled. But when the child grows up and comes into contact with the outside world, he learns the opposite. This contradiction can yield negative results in young minds. He realizes that while he is loved and protected within the confines of his home, the outside world is bad and full of hostility. This can confuse him and make him unable to comprehend reality.

God has imbued the mother with immense love for her child, and the purpose of this love is to enable them to train their children with love and patience, show them the right path, and give them the strength to face all odds. But most mothers have turned their love to pampering their children and so have led them astray from the nature God had intended for them. Mothers should use their God-given capabilities to train their children in the realities of life and help them become duty-conscious and contributing members at home so that they can become contributing members of society at large.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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