When any task is assigned to two people, mutual trust is required to complete the task successfully. Mutual trust between a husband and wife is essential to build a home successfully. No good home is ever made without mutual trust between a husband and a wife.

One may ask why most couples lack mutual trust. It is because neither is wholly committed towards the other in their relationship, despite being married. Such a relationship that is lacking in commitment results in the formation of a psychological barrier between husband and wife. Therefore, both are responsible for this lack of mutual trust in their relationship.

The woman’s fault lies in her failure to adapt to and identify with her new family— her husband’s. She continues to cling to her parents. Her failure to adapt to her new family is reflected in her words and actions, which naturally creates resentment on the part of her husband.

On the other hand, the man’s failure lies in his obsession with the concept of the ‘ideal woman.’ He often finds his wife falling short on many counts when he measures her by the parameters of the ‘ideal woman.’

These are the obstacles mostly inherent in a man and a woman that come in the way of building mutual trust between them. Both must undertake introspection to diagnose and correct their weaknesses individually to acquire mutual trust. Once both the husband and the wife take such corrective measures, they will be able to live their lives in a practical manner. The psychological barrier between them will be removed, and they will be able to build mutual trust, enabling them to lead a positive and successful married life.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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