In Islam, there is no difference between man and woman regarding status, rights, and blessings in this world and Hereafter. Both men and women are equal participants in life, following the principles of being ‘equal in respect and different in roles.’ Man and woman, in the eyes of Islam then, are not duplicates of one another but complements. This concept permits the shortcomings of one sex to be compensated for by the strengths of the other.

Men and women can be likened to a cart running on two wheels. Each of the wheels contributes equally to the running of the cart. Even if only one of the wheels goes out of order, the cart will stop. The way a cart traverses its path with the help of the two wheels, precisely in the same way, with the cooperation of men and women, the life system can be run efficiently.

Similarly, when it comes to the establishment of a home and the raising of a family, men and women have their separate roles to play. But each is vital. Each is indispensable to the other. For them to come together, function in unison, and live in harmony, there must be mutual respect and a prevailing sense that a difference in biological function does not imply inequality. The biological division of human beings into male and female is the result of the purposeful planning of our Creator.

Possessing qualities of gentleness, compassion, patience, and emotional connection, women have been bestowed by the Creator the role of shaping future generations of human beings.

According to a tradition of Prophet Muhammad, 'The best of you are those who are best to their families, and I am the best among you to my family.'" (Sunan at-Tirmidhi, Hadith No. 3895)

Families are fundamental units of society, collectively shaping its fabric. If families are in good order, society will follow suit. Conversely, if families sink into a low moral state, society cannot prosper. Every person is born into a family, where he experiences his first lessons about home, family, and society. Therefore, to improve society, we must improve the quality of family members.

Preparing the next generation is a mother’s responsibility. The human generation is like a flowing river, where the water is continually replaced. In human beings, too, the new replaces the old. And a mother plays a crucial role in preparing this new generation. The responsibility of supplying good human beings to every generation devolves upon her. A mother plays a pivotal role in shaping the character of individuals in a family. If mothers can develop goodness and high moral character in their children, they will be able to contribute to the betterment of society.

If women understand their responsibility and prepare themselves to fulfill this role, they can play a pivotal role in not only shaping the lives of their children on spiritual lines but, in turn, they will be able to shape society on positive lines.

Farida Khanam

May 2, 2024
New Delhi, India

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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