The Quran enjoys modesty in dress for both men and women, which will maintain one’s dignity and respect irrespective of gender. The Quran tells the Prophet to clothe his wives and daughters and the daughters of the believers modestly and respectably so as not to attract undesirable elements. This means a woman should, by her attire, indicate that she is well-bred, respectable, and modest. It also means that a believing woman, out on the street or at work, should not draw attention to herself but lead a modest life of her own free will.

The Quran also says, “O children of Adam! We have sent down to you clothes to cover your nakedness, and to be pleasing to the eye, but the raiment of righteousness is the best.” (7:26) According to this verse, to dress appropriately and act righteously is the truly Islamic way of life. The Quran further calls upon women and men to lower their gazes. One of the teachings of the Prophet is, “Every religion has a characteristic, and the characteristic of Islam is modesty.” (Al-Tabarani, Al-Mo’jam al-Kabir, Hadith No. 10780)

Islam allows women to work outside the home. Although maintaining modesty in dress and demeanour is essential.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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