The 30th chapter of the Quran says, “He created for you from among yourselves spouses so that you may find repose in them.” (30:21)

‘Repose’ or ‘comfort’ here does not only mean comfort in a marriage; it also refers to the positive contribution a spouse can make in helping one play a significant role in life.

A unified effort alone enables great tasks to be accomplished in this world. A solitary person cannot perform any remarkable feat. The first and most natural form of united effort is for a man and a woman to come together in marriage. This brings two souls together, and this unity of the two souls is the only unity that produces mutual trust and love.

The coming together of a man and a woman in marriage creates the most extraordinary companionship in this world. If both the husband and wife realize this and take it as a blessing from God, they can unitedly perform such incredible feats that no other human companionship can ever accomplish.

Take the example of the famous French couple Pierre Curie (d. 1906) and Mary Curie (d. 1934), who unitedly performed extraordinary feats in modern science. Their work was acknowledged, and they were duly awarded the Nobel Prize in 1903 and 1911. This same potential is also waiting to be discovered in other men and women. Any couple can achieve success in their particular fields and help shape history.

Nature has endowed men and women with extraordinary capabilities. Anyone who recognizes his role and works hard can succeed in his field. Unfortunately, the Western or Eastern world has not fully recognized the superior role of women.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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