How can a woman seek divorce under Islamic law? When a woman wishes to divorce her husband, she has to put her case before a religious scholar or a body of religious scholars. They then consider her circumstances in the light of the Quran and the Hadith, and if they find reasonable grounds for separation, they decide in her favour. The woman must have scholars to act on her behalf because women are more emotional than men—as has been proved by scientific research—and it is to prevent hasty and ill-considered divorces taking place that she is, thus, advised. If we seldom hear of Muslim women committing suicide or being murdered by their in-laws, it is because they have the alternative—separation.

Separation, of course, is strongly advised against minor provocations. Are we not commanded by God to be tolerant and forgiving? It is meant only as a last resort when it is unavoidable.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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