Referring to men and women, verse 195 of chapter 3 of the Quran says, “You are members one of another.” Further to this, a man and a woman are considered as ‘two halves of a whole.’ (Sunan Abi Dawood, Hadith No. 236) Another important fact is that the whole of the human race comes from Adam and Eve. Two other verses of the Quran state:

“Glory be to God, who created in pairs all things that the earth produces.” (36: 36)

“O Humanity! We created you from a single pair of a male and a female.” (49: 13)

Islam is often seen as keeping women in subservience. But Islam holds women in high esteem. Women enjoyed a special status during the lifetime of the Prophet of Islam. During the initial days of Islam, the Prophet’s wife, Khadijah, was a businesswoman, and she employed the Prophet himself. Moreover, it was her initiative that led to their marriage. The Prophet’s later wives, Umme Salmah and Zaynab, also earned their own money. Fatima, the Prophet’s daughter, helped give first aid to the wounded in battle, and Asma, Abu Bakr’s daughter, used to look after camels and date orchards. But, if a woman chose to lead a domestic life, taking care of her family, she had every right to do so. Thus, we can rightly say that women had the right to express themselves and take their own decisions in life.

According to Islam, women are not required to stay at home and confine themselves to household tasks; they can also seek work outside their homes, as long as there is no harm to their modesty and they do not compromise on their values.

The Quran does not prohibit a woman from working outside her home or engaging in business. What is more important is her virtue and how she conducts herself.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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